Ready, Set, School!

Our Ready, Set, School Program is designed to help pre-school aged children prepare for the demands of ‘Big School’. If you’re concerned about your child’s school readiness, see our article ‘Essential Skills for Starting Kindergarten’ in the link to your right.
A small group of 4-6 children undertake a variety of social, fine motor, and cognitive tasks based around themes such as Dinosaurs, Transport, Under the Sea, and Wild Animals.
Groups run most week days, based on demand. The program runs for one hour per week, for six consecutive weeks. Registration forms go online in Term 3.
We offer an intensive version of the 6-week program across a week (1 hour each day, Monday-Friday) during the January school holidays. Our six week program is condensed into five days and children attend each day for one hour. Complete the Expression of Interest form below if you’re interested in this group.
Groups are usually offered in the middle weeks of January. Please return to GROUPS tab to find registration forms if the group is due to be running soon.
If Ready Set School interests you for Term 4 or January, and registration forms are not available, please complete our Expression of Interest form below and we’ll get in touch with you.
Ready Set School Expression of Interest
Complete this form to indicate your interest in our Ready Set School program.